

... gossip in the a.m. ...

"... 6:15 am, a quiet coffee shop, dark outside, and me quietly writing when 8 women wearing workout clothes, frosted hair, and big, chunky rocks on their fingers walk in, chatting away. I've decided that my next story will be about the one woman who would not participate in their one-upsmanship storytelling and left early. She will be the hero of my story and things will not go well for the gossip queens of the morning ..." -me on September 29, 2009
The Gossip, "Standing in the Way of Control." That's Beth Ditto rocking out. 


  1. Love it. Did a story for this classy gal ever come to fruition?

  2. I never did write that story. Not yet at least. Finding this might be the spark to make that happen.
